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Production Fators

2015-01-22 09:13:35 Author/Sorce:

1.Average Tariff of Maritime transport Departing from Qinzhou Pot
1.1 International Routes (Transit via Hong Kong) Scheduled ships for international trading: 4 ships/week, mostly 126TEUs 


1.2 Domestic Routes 
Scheduled ships for domestic trading: CSCL 4250 TEUs ships, COSCO 1300 TEUs ships, and 220 TEUs from other companies


2.Guiding Price of Labor Force and Social Insurance

Minimum wages standard in Qinzhou:1,045 RMB/month 

3.Minimum Transfer Rates of Land for Industrial Use in Qinzhou City 



4.Water Prices (RMR)      



5.Freight Railway Prices of Qinzhou  


6.Electricity Prices  


Prices listed are in accordance with articles [2011]181 and [2012]60 issued by Office of Commodity Prices Management, Guangxi Development and Reform Commission,and become effective as of july1,2102. 

车险| 高安市| 宁陕县| 泰顺县| 浮梁县| 茌平县| 五莲县| 莱州市| 乌拉特前旗| 津市市| 柘荣县| 孝义市| 雅安市| 汝南县| 资讯 | 曲靖市| 庄浪县| 东丽区| 仁化县| 辽源市| 元谋县| 广德县| 崇阳县| 永清县| 池州市| 冷水江市| 区。| 拉孜县| 庄浪县| 五寨县| 勃利县| 南漳县| 安远县| 苏尼特右旗| 兴安盟| 璧山县| 招远市| 沿河| 桦川县| 大关县| 柘荣县|